Gotta Love the Pig
Somehow, F and I have acquired reputations as pig lovers. I don’t know how this happened.
Maybe it was this.
Or this.
Or this.
Or it could be this:
Or this:
Or this:
There’s no denying we love the pork. Tenderloin, bacon, belly, butt. Hocks, snout, shoulder, skin. It’s all good.
Which is why when I saw an ad for a "Pig Gig" at Heritage Prairie Farm in upstate Illinois, we invited our friends L and J to come along and sped off in the little yellow jeep.
The menu:
The spread:

The pork enthusiasts (F, me, L, J):
F's favorite part:
And the best part of all...
We discovered there is at least one person who loves pigs more than we do:

oink oink